Friday, December 25, 2020

Certified Interpreters And Translators, Milwaukee Certified Translator, On Demand Interpreters -

 Bylyngo is a leading language interpreting and translation company provides video remote interpreting, Phone interpreting and Document Translation Services

You can find more information at


Video Interpreting
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) is an on-demand service that you can use from anywhere, at any time, from any device.

Phone Interpreting
Using our cutting-edge call center technology and skilled workforce, we match a qualified and industry specific OPI interpreter with your callers in more than 72 languages right away.

Local On-site Interpreters
We will provide you with an interpreter at your physical location to interpret face to face discussions with your clients, LEP (limited English Proficient) or Hard of Hearing individuals.

Translation & Localization
Our trusted and experienced translators will help you with any certified document translation or localization project


ByLyngo uses the latest technology to help you connect with language professionals in any language on any mobile device.

Choose what type of interpreter service you need
Select whether you want to browse and choose your own interpreter or select the first available
Select whether you need an interpreter immediately or for a future date

Using Bylyngo Is Simple
Bylyngo is the easiest platform available to provide access to skilled, professional and certified interpreters for all your legal interpreting needs. Our interpreters are available in over 72 languages for depositions, court hearings, client interviews and document translation. With our state of the art on-demand platform and user friendly mobile applications you can now access an interpreter anywhere at any time right there from your smartphone or tablet. There are no set up fees and the mobile applications are free to download.

Established in 2002, ByLyngo is revolutionizing the interpreting industry. We are a trusted by individuals and businesses across industries worldwide.

We extend our services in compliance with our core values, which are:

  • Serve with integrity
  • Strong commitment to customer service and confidentially
  • Built trust-based and long-term relationship
Our values are part of our DNA and are at the heart of everything we do. The guide the way we work with our clients, within our community and each other.

Use our cutting edge video interpreting platform to connect with your non-English speaking clients. Bylyngo is revolutionizing the interpreting industry with our 24/7/365 Anytime, Anywhere approach

Bylyngo Video Interpreter Services - How We Make It Happen?

ImageOur process involves the use of cutting-edge and best-of-breed telecommunication technology, combined with our experienced video interpreters who are proficient in more than 72 languages and dialects.

It is a 3 way video remote conference with a human interpreter who serves as a mediator between your staff and your client - a Limited English Proficient speaker.
Our proficiency and command over languages gives us the ability to understand and clearly convey messages at both ends.

ImageAffordable solutions for small, medium and large sized businesses:

Easy to connect using our Bylyngo mobile app or from your personal computer

Connect to interpreter on demand 24/7/365 *

Certified interpreters and trained, qualified and experienced interpreters available in over 72 languages.